четверг, 18 июня 2009 г.

Decorative Finish of the Month

Decorative Finish of the Month
Decorative Finish of the Month Belleau Wood clear lacquer primer Perfetto Crackle Bronze foil Bella Cera Satin Wax Van Dyke Brown
Recipe as follows:

Prep and prime the surface base coat with Modern Masters Metallic Paint Champagne.

Step 1: Apply two coats of Bella Foil and Composition Size allowing to dry in-between coats. Apply Bright Silver foil.

Step 2: Sponge roller Rough Irregular Texture allow to dry.

Step 3: Color wash using Modern Masters Metallic Paint Champagne.

Products to feature are as follows:

Original article and pictures take www.fauxbykathy.com site

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